
ICUSTA has a very modern, simple and effective organization. There is only one type of membership, and all member institutions bear the same rights.
ICUSTA, present in all five continents in the world, meets biennially, generally in different countries.
The only officers of ICUSTA correspond to a President (Chief Executive Officer of the University where the biennial meeting is held), a Past President and an Executive Director; each of them stands for election and serves for a two-year term.
The Executive Committee is composed by: the President and the Past President of ICUSTA; the President of the institution that hosts the office of the Executive Director; and two other members of ICUSTA elected by voting members.

In addition, a Council of Honor, composed by a select group of people with relevance in the history of ICUSTA, and a Steering Committee that assists the Executive Committee have been established.

At present, charges are carried out by the following persons:

Executive Committee

  • President: Dr. Alessandro Mini, Vice President of International Relations and Research (by delegation of the Rector of the Abat Oliva University, Mr. Rafael Rodriguez-Ponga)
  • Past President: Dr. Juan Carlos Mena, President University FASTA, Mar del Plata Argentina
  • Mrs. Claudia Peirano Rodriguez, President University Santo Tomás, Chile.
  • Dr. Ranga Zinyemba, President The Catholic University of Zimbabwe
  • Dr. Richard Ludwig, President University of Saint Thomas, Houston, USA.
  • Executive Director: M.A. Roberto Lafontaine, Universidad Santo Tomás, Chile.

The members of the Honor Council are:

  • Archbp. Michael Miller, C.S.B., former President of the University of St. Thomas, Houston, USA.
  • Msgr. Jean-Louis Bruguès, O.P., Archivist and Librarian of the Holy Roman Church.
  • Mrs. Carla Haardt, widow of Gerardo Rocha Vera, Founder of ICUSTA.
  • Fr. José García Patiño, O.P., National Chaplain of the Universidad Santo Tomás, Chile.
  • Dr. Joseph MacFadden, first Executive Director of ICUSTA.
  • Fr. Rolando de la Rosa, O.P., former Rector of the Pontifical University of Santo Tomas, Filipinas.
  • Ms. Lydia Jiménez, President of the Board of the Universidad Católica de Ávila, Spain.
  • Dr. José Tomás Raga, former Rector of the CEU San Pablo, Spain.
  • Prof. Francois Boulêtreau , former General Director of the Institut Catholique d’Études Supérieures, France.
  • Dr. Eudaldo Forment, former General Director of the Società Internazionale Tommaso d’Aquino (SITA).
