ICUSTA Fund for Solidarity Projects

ICUSTA, based on its mission and vision, wants to strengthen the activities that its member institutions carry out with disadvantaged communities by putting its students and teachers in contact with the noblest Christian sense of welcoming and helping others.

The “Gerardo Rocha Global Solidarity Fund” (GRGSF) was created by ICUSTA’s General Assembly of Delegates during the tenth biennial meeting held in Manila in 2011. This fund, sustained thanks to the special support of the Fundación Angelicum, has financed since then diverse projects of our members, fostering the cooperation between them. The beneficiaries include the following projects: Health and Waste Management (UST Mozambique), Educational Resources (ECUSTA Ethiopia), Training for African Students (Wenzao Ursuline University, Taiwan), Participation in the Volunteer Work of the Universidad Santo Tomás Chile (with Universidad Católica de Ávila and Universidad Católica de Valencia), Weaving Networks in Makeni ((Universidad CEU San Pablo and Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera).
